EFCL – Production

Visitation Team

Christ commands us to care for, support and love one another.  Our visitation team connects with those desiring relationships within the church.  Grief, loneliness, life transitions, family concerns and illness are a few of the reasons someone may desire visitation. 

Details: If you enjoy meeting others and developing meaningful relationships this ministry is perfect.  Some activities may include reading, praying, conversing, looking at photographs or other family mementos together.  The visitation team meet a couple of times a year and the visitation coordinator is available to provide support.

Time Commitment: Visitors have the capacity to determine how much time they have to provide for this ministry but generally 1 – 2 hours per week is more than sufficient.  Each visitor in collaboration with the person being visited make arrangements together for what their relationship will be.  They can determine the best time, frequency and how their time together will be spent.

Requirements: Ability to develop a relationship with and commit to connecting with another person regularly.  

Team Contact: Patti Pharo