EFCL – Production


Everything we have is a gift from God. We give a portion back to Him as an expression of worship and gratitude, and to align ourselves with His work in our community and the world. Your giving supports the everyday work of the church and organizations serving people in Lethbridge, Southern Alberta, and around the world.

Ways to give


Cheques can be made payable to the Evangelical Free Church of Lethbridge and can be dropped off at the church office, during offering on a Sunday or placed in the wall safe in the church lobby.

Automatic Withdrawal

The monthly automatic withdrawal happens on the 21st of each month. To set up automatic withdrawal, submit this form with a void cheque, at the office or Info Centre, marked “Attn: Natalie”.


Place your cash in an envelope and include your full name, phone number and email address so we can send you a tax receipt.  If you need an envelope, we have offering envelopes available.


E-transfers may be sent to giving@efreelethbridge.ca


You can use your debit card at the Interac terminal in the lobby. 


You can use your credit card online or you can go through the Church Center App.

Where does your money go?

General Fund

Giving to the General Fund covers the day-to-day costs of ministry. It enables weekly ministries and special events, as well as staffing, facility costs and maintenance, community outreach, and support for local and global missions. 


Building Fund

Any monies designated to the building fund will be directed to principal pay-down until the next capital project.

Other Designated Funds

There are times when we have additional designated funds.  We currently do not have any in place.

*Unless noted differently, all donations go to our General Fund.

Questions? Contact Natalie