EFCL – Production

Next steps:

Child dedication, Baptism and Membership

Child Dedication

Child Dedication is an opportunity to declare your commitment to raising your child to know and love God, and affirming our church family’s partnership with you in that mission.


Becoming a follower of Jesus Christ is a very personal decision, but it’s not something that can remain confined to our personal lives.  Baptism is a way to publicly declare our commitment to Christ and His Church, and is an essential step in our journey of faith.


Members of E-Free commit to live according to the teachings of Scripture, avoiding things that are destructive to the Christian life and dishonouring to God. Members build one another up with words and actions that reflect Christ’s love. We pray for the church, the members and ministry. Members commit to financially supporting the church, attending worship regularly, and striving to live a holy and godly life—not out of a sense of obligation or  good works, but out of abundant joy and gratitude for God’s provision and work in our lives.