Prayer & Fasting
Let us come together as a church body to pray and fast together; interceding for the people of our church and the community, seeing God’s face, and listening for His direction in our lives, our church, and our community.
Week of Prayer & Fasting - January 26-February 2
Opportunities to Pray Together
Fasting Resources
What is Fasting?
Fasting is a call to give up the comforts of this world to seek the depth of relationship with our Saviour in the spiritual realm. It is a call to deeper intimacy with God. Fasting is connected with prayer.
There are different types and different reasons for fasting in the Bible. To learn more about the different types of fasting please see Focus on the Family’s resource, Fasting as a Spiritual Discipline by clicking on the button below.
Why Fast?
When we fast, we can see and taste what God and His goodness is like. We have seen and tasted the invisible and infinite God in our hunger, and therefore, we desire more of Him and are able to focus more on Him.
The purpose of fasting is to enjoy Jesus, prepare our hearts to know Him better, and minister to the heart of God.
If you would like to learn more about why we fast, read “The Purpose of Fasting” by Richard Foster.
How do I Fast?
1. Start small.
2. Plan what you will do instead of eating (or instead of doing what you have decided to fast from).
3. Consider how it will affect others.
4. Try different kinds of fasting.
5. Fast from something other than food.
6. Don’t think of what you are not doing. Focus on what you are doing!
For ideas on how to start, read up on “How to Begin Fasting” from The Navigators.